Friday 29 April 2011

6.What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?


Adobe In-design  -  I used adobe in-design to design the layout and general style of the magazine. It helped me understand the difficulties of creating a magazine, with the confusion of creating layers, using different fonts, organising the pages, creating text boxes and images.

Internet- The internet played an important role in the creation of my magazine as I needed to use it for finding ideas and examples to help create my own pages. It helped me follow the codes and conventions of a normal magazine. 
Corel Paintshop Pro - Coral paintshop pro made the important role of helping me create the perfect images for my magazine pages. It helped me remove backgrounds on images and make them look more realistic in music terms. 
Adobe Bridge - This was used to help bring photos from my camera to adobe in-design. 
Camera - The camera i used was also an integral part of the technology I needed to use as it needed to be at least 10 mega pixel to help make the images I needed to use look better. 
In conclusion, I have learnt that in the process of construction the technologies used provided a difficult challenge for me to overcome. I learnt that to produce 3 pages for a magazine took hours of time to create and therefore to create a whole magazine with certain technology requires an excellent amount of skill and time. 

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