Tuesday 26 April 2011

Question one continued... (The contents page)

The contents page has the function to allow the reader to use the magazine in a non linear way. This is the primary way in which any magazine are able to become an active medium. My contents page follows a similar layout of an established music magazine. It is conventional and easy to use. I took inspiration from previous contents pages from Kerrang magazine.

As you can see my contents page is simple and follows the typical conventions of a real contents page. Therefore is effective in doing its job as a contents page. I chose to use half the page for a main image and half a page to contain information. For my image i went for something original, i tried to make the image of my main artist look like he was at an awards evening, to achieve this i had to take a picture of him on a plain white background and add genuine company names such as itv, in after the image had been placed on the page. The main image is of a male, so once again i'd have to say it conforms to the normal conventions of a music magazine in a male dominated industry.  I used two subsidory images on my contents page, one of which I believe is developing the conventions of a music magazine as it contains a lead female artist in the image. This helps promote my magazine by using a variety of artists. Also I made sure to include the name of my magazine once again as it keeps the name fresh in the readers memories, and this conforms to the conventions of a magazine as most magazines tend to do this. My second subsidory image was that of my main article which was used to help advertise what the article was about as it refers to the cover story. On the bottom half of the page I used it to contain the information so the contents page follows its main function of aiding the readers to find what they're looking for, I used conventional headlines such as News, Reviews, Free Gifts and a Band finder. Also I used an example of the symbiotic relationship between the music industry and the music magazine through the power of advertising a new album to win free in the magazine. 

My Subsidory Images
The subsidory image of the band provides an outlook on a developing convention of the female artist as most music magazines are dominated by male artist in mostly male industry, the inclusion of a female artist can be seen as the idea of a developing convention. To create this image I had to take the photo and remove the background using software called paintshop pro. Using a subsidory image on the contents page is once again conforming to the conventions of the music magazine as generally all magazines use one or more subsidory images to help inspire people to read their magazine.

My other subsidory image is of my article and I could argue this could be conforming to some magazine conventions but developing the conventions in comparison to other magazines as not all music magazines create a subsidory image using their magazine article.

Double Page article

I think my double page conforms to the normal conventions of a double page article as there is a main image and an article together, pull quotes make the article make it more inviting and you will find pull quotes in the majority of double page spreads. Also the beginning of the article there is a larger letter to start the article which once again is found at the beginning of most articles.  In general the large main image and article follow the general conventions of a normal music magazine.

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