Monday 2 May 2011

Questionnaire Results

I produced a questionnaire to ask my target audience what they thought about my magazine.
I asked ten different people they're opinions both male and female.

From the questionnaire I have been able to analyse the responses, 60% of the people thought the masthead XTC had connotations with Drugs, which isn't the perfect response, however they also believed it gave the impression of excitement and had a strong link to the magazine name NME. In reflection I could have used perhaps a slightly more appropriate masthead which would have given a better impression.

70% of the people I asked believed that my main image for the front cover reminded them of a mainstream young music artist, 50% of the people I asked said they would buy this magazine purely for the artist on the front cover.

Out of the number of cover stories featured on the magazine front cover the majority of people were most interested in the awards featured at the bottom of the page along with the main headline, people were interested to see who would win these awards.

90% of the people I asked found the front cover appealing because of it's unique colour scheme and the amount of information found on the front cover.

Also once again the majority of people believed that the age group the magazine was targeted at was 15-20 year olds, which is the age group I was aiming to target.

Also everybody asked believed that the magazine was available both for male and females which was also my intention.

Also 90% of the males and females asked believed that the front cover portrayed the Indie/Rock genre, they could tell this from references to 'Rock City' and my the general look of the main artist.


Everybody I questioned about the contents page believed that it was an accessible and easy contents page to use and if needed they could find everything they wanted too.

When asked if my contents page resembled any established music magazines, 70% of those asked believed it has a certain resemblance to kerrang magazines contents page.


60% of the people I asked believed that my article would interest them, particularly because the article is about a home grown band from South Wales, and therefore there could be links to themselves.

Only 50% of the people questioned believed that the headline related well to the article, 'born and bred' refers to the new album and where they grew up as kids, the remaining 50% believed the headline could have been better.

Only 40% believed that the main image of the article coincided well with the main image of the front cover. They believed it showed somewhere in his hometown and also showed his creativity as an artist. The other 60% couldn't see the connotations between the article and the image.

80% of people said they would buy my particular magazine for its cover price especially if the main article appealed to them the other 20% believed that it was too expensive for a weekly magazine.

Out of the 10 people I asked eight rated my magazine as a 4/5 whereas the other two rated it as a 3/5 and decided that my magazine wouldn't be for them.

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