Monday 22 November 2010

Music Magazine questionnaire...

1. How old are you?
  - 12 and under
  - 13-18
  - 18+

2. Do you read music magazines?
  - Yes
  - No

3. How often do you buy a music magazine?
  - Weekly
  - Monthly
  - Never

4. What sort of colours do you associate with an indie magazine? Please state below...

5. How much would you pay for music magazine?
    Weekly; - less than £1.00
                 - £1.-1.50
                 - £1.50-2.00
                 - More than £2.00

  Monthly;  - £2.00-2.50
                - £2.50-3.00
                - £3.00-3.50
                - More than £3.50

6. What would you want an indie magazine to contain?
   - Bands
   - Album releases
   - Tour dates
   - A readers page with personal reviews
   - Posters of different bands
   - A mixture of all of the above

7. Which of these mastheads do you prefer?
   - The Pick
   - XTC
   - Rolling Rock
   - Symbol

8. If you have any ideas for a slogan please state below...

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