Wednesday 27 April 2011

3.What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

If I were looking to publish and distribute my magazine, I would turn to one of the larger distribution companies such as  FRONTLINE

My magazine would have to go through a number of stages before being sold in outlets around the country to reach its readers.


(BAUER)              (FRONTLINE)       (WHOLESALER UK)   (TESCOS)       (THE READER)

I would choose Frontline as my distributor considering it is one of the most effective media distribution companies. Being the largest UK magazine distributor shows that they are more than capable than distributing my magazine. They have a large spectrum of shops to distribute too, over 55 000 shops tells me that my magazine would reach every corner of the country and to my target audience. Over 8 million copies sold each week proves Frontlines large stature in distribution of magazines, and with promising figures such as these, should my magazine be published I would love this media institution to distribute my magazine. In order to have such a large distributor I would need  a large publisher to compliment Frontline therefore someone like Bauer media would work perfectly with Frontline. I would have both the largest publisher and distributor on the market.

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