Thursday 28 April 2011

4.Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience I would try to attract to my media product would have to be young and regular music listeners. The magazine I have produced can appeal to both females and males, however I would imagine that the majority of the readers I have targeted would be male.
These for example are the people I am trying to target - regular gig goers. 

My magazine will aim to cover the divide between Indie and Rock music, therefore the magazine would contain both rock bands and indie bands in todays world. There would be information for those who need tips on which albums to buy and which gigs to go too. There would be a large amount of trust and respect between magazine and reader, helping the reader feel involved and participate in magazine competitions. The reader would be able to rely on the magazine to provide the necessary music information for them to develop their own music taste.



Divide between Indie and Rock to be closed...

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