Monday 18 April 2011

Double Page spread

For  my main image i changed it from a close up 
portrait to a more natural image so that the photo
would relate to the  article better.  I used a medium
close up with connotations of creativity and perhaps
links with the artists hometown. I used pull quotes
to also show the reader what the article is about
and to help encourage the reader to read on. I wanted
to portray the artist in a creative way which i think i have done successfully.
The colour of the pull quotes also fits in well with the image and the colour scheme. 

For my article i used a green colour for my 
my mast head stand out and also it fitted in with
the colour scheme for the rest of my magazine. I 
used a red border to help the article stand out on 
the page and so it could be separated slightly from 
the main image which goes with it.
I used pull quotes to show the reader the general 
topic of the article and what the artist is talking 
about.I also used a capital letter to begin the 
article which in my opinion added a more 
professional touch. 
 I finished the article with references to an
author and a website to make the article look more

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